Audify 2.0
Audify 2.0 is just released and by coincidence it is also the 100th Playstore release of Audify. I really thank all the users for their constant love and support as it mostly evolved based on the user feedback after the initial release. I would like to take this moment to share some interesting stats about Audify.
Audify is 231 days old as of today. Yesterday, It read 12.7k notifications out of 102.7k notifications based on various user preferences. On an average it reads 12k+ notifications everyday.
Top two notification filters are the consecutive notifications (from the same app) filter and blocked apps filter. Consecutive notifications filter is an internal filter of Audify which safeguards users from quick burst of notifications from apps like Whatsapp (Think of those hyper active whatsapp groups).
These stats are really a satisfying measure of Audify’s success towards it’s goal which is to keep the users informed about their notifications without annoying them.
Being a regular Audify user, I will try my best to shape Audify’s future along with it’s lovely user base and Google Plus community.
Changelog of Audify 2.0: 🔮 Introducing Audify Widgets to quickly enable/disable Audify Headphones and Speaker. 👋 Nice, Quick on-boarding tutorial for first-time users. 🇭🇺 Helló — Translated to Hungarian by Krisztián Androsovits 🎤 Support to read song info from famous music apps Spotify, GooglePlay Music, Savvn and PocketCasts.Suggested by Audify user Jorge Pérez Berrio. ⚙ Now Audify will mute immediately (if speaking) when you unlock your screen. Earlier it used to mute while your screen wakes up. 🐞 Bug fixes.
Fun Facts:
💃🚶 Audify got 86% male users and 16% female users.
📊 Most used features are Audify AutoStart, Audify Speaker and Audify Headset. I honestly never had any big hope for Audify OnSpeaker. I developed it only because it was easy to test Audify with device speaker rather than connecting a headset every single time :)
⛑ Audify’s got 99.5% of crash free users.
🌶 Audify got 60k+ downloads, 1k+ user reviews and 1k+ “+1’s” in Google PlayStore.
Reach us via Twitter @audifyapp
Read the History of Audify : Part 1 — Part 2 —
Thanks, Appkiddo